Find relevant information about the master's programme in the field of work and organizational psychology here.
MSc in psychology with focus on work, education, and society
Within the master's programme with focus on work, education and society (WES), we give two mandatory and one mandatory elective course as well as one project module. During the wintersemester, we offer the minor course "Research in and practical application of work and organizational psychology". The subsequent course "New developments in work and organizational psychology" during the summer semester builds upon that knowledge. At the same time, we teach the mandatory elective course "Application of psychological assessment: work and organization.", as well as the project module "Current research questions in work and organizational psychology".
Additionally to these courses, we also work with the faculty of economics and management science, so that You can visit their courses as well.
1. Semester – Course Number: 11-PSY-21006 (5LP)
Components of the mandatory course
- Seminar „Research and practical application in work and organizational psychology“ (3 SWS)
- Personell and occupation (Intersections: Developmental lifespan psychology, pedagogical psychology, personality psychology)
- Work, health and prevention (Intersections: Clinical psychology, pedagogical psychology, experimental psychology, neuropsychology, biological psychology)
- Organisational consulting and development (Intersections: pedagogical psychology, social psychology)
Please refer to the course descriptions for further information
2. Semester – Course Number: 11-PSY-21023 (5LP)
Components of the mandatory course
- Seminar „New developments in work and organizational psychology“ (3 SWS)
- Small group seminar "New developments in work and organizational psychology" (1SWS)
Topics from a specialized domain of applied work and organizational psychology:
- Work, age and lifespandevelopment (Domain: Personell and occupation)
- Work, health and civilizational diseases (Domain: Work, health and prevention)
- Environmentally friendly behaviour and climate in organizations (Domain: Organisational consulting and development)
Please refer to the course descriptions for further information
2. Semester – Course Number: 11-PSY-21020 (5LP)
Components of the mandatory elective course
- Small group seminar "Presentation of reports in work and organizational psychology" (2 SWS)
- Seminar "Carrying out an occupational and organisational psychological assessment" (1 SWS)
During the case study the participants examine an employed person, a team or an organization.
Im Rahmen des case stury begutachten die Studierenden eine erwerbstätige Person, ein Team oder eine Organisation. For this purpose, the students collect the necessary data, prepare an expert report and present it in the small group seminar.
Please refer to the course descriptions for further information.
3.-4. Semester – Course Number: 11-PSY-21024 (10LP)
Components of the project module
- Project seminar "Current issues in work and organisational psychology" (2 SWS)
Course "Deepening a current research question in work and organisational psychology" (1 SWS)
Practical course "Investigation of a current research question in work and organisational psychology" (4 SWS)
Depending on the research topics of the department with a focus on occupational psychology and/or personnel psychology and/or organisational psychology:
- Work, age and life span development
- Work, health and civilizational diseases
- Environmentally friendly behaviour and climate in organizations
Introduction to Economics
1./3. Semester – Course Number: 07-101-1105 (5LP)
Components of the mandatory elective course
- Lecture "Introduction to Business Studies" (2 SWS)
- Vorlesung "Introduction to Economics " (2 SWS)
Please refer to the Course Descriptios, as well as the webpages of the chairs of sustainable banking and finance and financial science.
Marketing and Services
1./3. Semester – Modul 07-101-3102 (10LP)
Components of the mandatory elective course
- Lecture "Marketing" (2 SWS)
- Exercise "Marketing" (2 SWS)
- Lecture "Services" (2 SWS)
- Exercise "Services" (2 SWS)
Please refer to the Course Descriptios, as well as the webpages of the chairs of management and marketing and service management.
Economics of Natural Resource Use and Conservation
1./3. Semester – Modul 07-202-2207 (10LP)
Components of the mandatory elective course
- Lecture with seminar-like parts "Natural Resource Use and Conservation Economics" (4 SWS)
- Practice "Natural Resource Use and Conservation Economics" (2 SWS)
Please refer to the Course Descriptios, as well as the webpage of the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv).
All materials relevant to our courses can be found on the learningplatform Moodle.
When there, choose Fakultät für Lebenswissenschaften, then Institut für Psychologie and afterwards choose your semester.
Master's Theses
- The role of work design and work behavior in the devekopment of civilizational diseases, e.g. obesity (Prof. Dr. Hannes Zacher)
- Digitalisation of the workplace (Prof. Dr. Hannes Zacher)
- Work, recovery and well-being (M.Sc. Richard Janzen)
Are You interested in a topic within work and organizational psychology which isn't listed here? We are open to Your ideas! Please feel free to make an appointment with someone from our team.
Students who are writing their masters thesis in our department should regularly take part in our research colloquium and must present their thesis at least once there. Please consider these dates and other formalities.