enlarge the image: Livia Schneider (geb. Kraft) (source: private)
Livia Schneider (geb. Kraft) (Quelle: private)

since 04/2018

Research assistant in the DFG project "Moderators of the effects of narcissism on social criteria" (Applicant and project leader: Michael Dufner; project number: DU 1641/3-1)

University of Leipzig, Chair of Personality Psychology and Psychological Assessment


10/2015 – 03/2018

Studies M.Sc. Psychology at the Otto - von - Guericke - University Magdeburg

  • Master thesis "Do significant intercorrelations between self-report scales result from identical response formats alone? An empirical investigation of the influence of response tendencies and use of an I-don't-know category on scale intercorrelations."


04/2016 – 09/2017

Learning Therapist
Duden Institute for Learning Therapy in Magdeburg


01/2015 – 08/2015

Research interviewer for the research project "Pro Kind"
University of Leipzig, Medical Faculty


10/2012 – 09/2015

Study B.Sc. Psychology at the University of Leipzig

Bachelor thesis "The relationship between similarity in terms of the Big Five with self-assessed partnership satisfaction, partnership stability and observed harmonious interaction behavior"


09/2011 – 06/2012
Qualifying Course in Swedish at the University Linköping, Sweden


Dufner, M., Zimmermann, J., Kraft, L., Czarna, A. Z., Maciej, S. & Schmukle, S. C. (in press). Our versus their narcissist: Are narcissistic persons more popular in their ingroup than in a competing outgroup? Personality Science.

Kraft, L., Czarna, A. Z., Utesch, K., Back, M., & Dufner, M. (2024). Do objective and peer-perceived qualities moderate the effect of narcissism on social outcomes? Collabra: Psychology, 10(1), 92325. https://doi.org/10.1525/collabra.92325

Kraft, L., Zimmermann, J., Schmukle, S. C., Czarna, A. Z., Sekerdej, M., & Dufner, M. (2024). Who gets the credit for success and the blame for failure? On the links between narcissism and self- and group-serving biases. European Journal of Personality, 38(3), 476-493. https://doi.org/10.1177/08902070231199366

Rau, R., Carlson, E. N., Dufner, M., Geukes, K., Kraft, L., Krause, S., Nikoleizig, L., Nestler. S. & Back, M. D. (2022). Positive peer perceptions over time: Personality explains variation at zero-acquaintance, popularity explains differential change. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 123(2), 423-443. https://doi.org/10.1037/pspp0000407



Kraft, L. (2015). The relationship between similarity in terms of the Big Five with self-rated partnership satisfaction, partnership stability, and observed harmonious interaction behaviors. University of Leipzig: Unpublished bachelor thesis.

Kraft, L. (2018). Do significant intercorrelations between self-report scales result from identical response formats alone? An empirical investigation of the influence of response tendencies and use of an I-don't-know category on scale intercorrelations. Otto - von - Guericke - University of Magdeburg: Unpublished master thesis.

Projects founded by the German Research Association (DFG)

Title: Moderators of the Effects of Narcissism on Social Outcomes (more information HERE)

Founded by the DFG since 01/04/2018 (DU 1641/3-1)

Head: Prof. Dr. Michael Dufner

Cooperation partner: Dr. Anna Czarna, Jagiellonian University, Krakow

Project employee: Livia Schneider

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