
About us

Dieses Foto zeigt den Pavillion im Palmengarten

Welcome to the Lifespan Psychology Lab!

Our lab focuses on understanding successful psychological development throughout adolescence and adulthood. We are particularly interested in emotional development and its interrelations with changes im motivation, health, and social factors.

Our Team

Get to know the members of our lab.


Find out more about our research projects, publications, and colloquia focussing on lifespan psychology and emotional development.

About us


Current and prospective students can find more information about the courses and theses we offer here. Please note that this content is only available in German.



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Ines Braun

Wilhelm Wundt Institute for Psychology
Städtisches Kaufhaus
Neumarkt 9, Room 3012, Aufgang A, 3.OG
04109 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 35961