Amongst others we are currently cooperating with following partners:
- Murdoch University, Perth, Australia (Prof. Dr. Robert O´Shea)
- University of Newcastle, Australia (Prof. Dr. Juanita Todd)
- Work group Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, University Leipzig (Prof. Dr. Cornelia Exner)
- Albert Einstein College of Medicine of Yeshiva University, New York (Prof. Dr. Elyse Sussman)
- CIMeC MEG lab, University of Trento (Dr. Philipp Ruhnau)
- Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology, Hungarian Academy of, Budapest (Prof. Dr. István Winkler, Dr. János Horváth)
- Kleinkindforschung in Thüringen, University of Erfurt (Dr. David Buttelmann)
- Clinic and Policlinic for Paediatrics University of Leipzig (Prof. Dr. Wieland Kiess)
- Clinic and Policlinic for Psychiatrics and Psychotherapy University of Leipzig (Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hegerl)
- Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences (Prof. Dr. Angela Friederici, Prof. Arno Villringer, Prof. Dr. Sonja Kotz, Dr. Burkard Maess, Dr. Jonas Obleser, Dr. Björn Herrmann, Dr. Florian Schlagenhauf)
- MEG lab, Rotman Research Institute (affiliated with University of Toronto), (Dr. Bernhard Ross)
- TU Chemnitz (Prof. Dr. Alexandra Bendixen)
- School of Health & Human Sciences, Southern Cross University, Australien (Prof. Dr. Robert O’Shea)
- Cognitive Neuroscience Research Group, University of Barcelona (Prof. Carles Escera)
- The University of Manchester (Prof. Dr. Sonja Kotz)
- Universitat de les Illes Balears (Prof. Dr. Fabrice Parmentier)