Short Profile
My research focus lies in how multiple social identites can be represented and how people react to norm conflict between ingroups. Particularly, I am interested in dissonance arising from such norm conflicts and how individuals cope with this dissonance. I am further interested in environmental psychology and how wearable sensors and feedback on environmental stressors (e.g., particulate matter) can inform healthy travel behaviour for pedestrians and cyclists.
Working Experience
- since 01/2023
Research associate at Forschungsinstitut Gesellschaftlicher Zusammnhalt (social cohesion reseach institute) in the project "Together through the pandemic - collective predictors of social cohesion in crisis situations" - 02/2020 - 12/2022
Research associate in the DFG project "ExpoAware - Environmental volunteered geographic information for personal exposure awareness and healthy mobility behavior", at the Department of Social Psychology, University of Leipzig - 09/2018 - 10/2019
Research Assistant at the Department of Social Psychology, University of Leipzig
- 10/2017 - 01/2020
Master studies in Psychology at the University of Leipzig - 10/2012 - 09/2016
Bachelor studies in Psychology at the Albert-Ludwigs-University Freiburg and at the University of Adelaide
- Becker, A. M., Helbig, C., Mohamdeen, A., Masson, T., & Schlink, U. (in press). Environmental Tracking for Healthy Mobility. In: Burghardt, D., Demidova, E., Keim, D. A. (eds) Volunteered Geographic Information. Springer Nature, Cham.
- Helbig, C., Becker, A.M., Haufer, AL., Masson, T., Mohamdeen, A., Schlink, U. (2023). Individuelle gesundheitsrelevante Umweltexpositionen im Rad- und Fußverkehr – Trends, Auswirkungen und eine Fallstudie zu Resilienz gegenüber Umweltstressoren. In: Kabisch, S., Rink, D., Banzhaf, E. (eds) Die Resiliente Stadt. Springer Spektrum, Berlin, Heidelberg.
- Becker, A. M., Masson, T., Helbig, C., Mohamdeen, A., & Schlink, U. (2023). Wearable sensors increase perceived environmental health threat in cyclists and pedestrians: a randomized field study. Journal of Transport & Health, 32, 101660.
- Becker, A. M., Masson, T., & Fritsche, I. (2023). Dissonance within the social self: exploring the effects of norm conflict between ingroups. Comprehensive Results in Social Psychology, 1-38.
- Helbig, C., Becker, A. M., Masson, T., Mohamdeen, A., San, Ö. O., & Schlink, U. (2022). A Game Engine based Application for Visualising and Analysing environmental spatiotemporal mobile Sensor Data in an urban Context. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 1639.
- Becker, A. M., Marquart, H., Masson, T., Helbig, C., & Schlink, U. (2021). Impacts of personalized sensor feedback regarding exposure to environmental stressors. Current Pollution Reports.
- Helbig, C., Ueberham, M., Becker, A. M., Marquart, H., & Schlink, U. (2021). Wearable Sensors for Human Environmental Exposure in Urban Settings. Current Pollution Reports, 1-17.
- Vesely, S., Masson, T., Chokrai, P., Becker, A. M., Fritsche, I., Klöckner, C. A., Tiberio, L.; Carrus, G. & Panno, A. (2021). Climate change action as a project of identity: Eight meta-analyses. Global Environmental Change, 70, 102322.
- Becker, A.M., Masson, T., Fritsche, I. (2023, September, 11th - 13th). Effects of norm conflict between ingroups: Discomfort and Coping [Talk]. Conference of the Social Psychology Section of the German Society for Psychology, Graz.
- Becker, A.M., Masson, T., Fritsche, I. (2023, July, 7th - 4th). Dissonance within the social self: Exploring the effects of norm conflict between ingroups [Poster]. 19th Meeting of the European Association of Social Psychology, Krakow.
- Becker, A.M., Masson, T., Fritsche, I. (2022, September, 10th - 15th). Dissonance within the social self: Exploring the effects of norm conflict between ingroups [Talk]. 52nd DGPs Congress, Hildesheim.
- Becker, A.M., Masson, T., Fritsche, I. (2022, July, 14th - 17th). Exploring the effects of conflicting ingroup norms dissonance and other consequences [Poster].The 45th Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), Athens.
- Hoppe, A., Becker, A. M., Fritsche, I., Lautenbacher, J. (2022, July, 14th - 17th). Make it Through Tough Times as a Group: On the Importance of Collective Predictors of Protection [Talk].The 45th Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), Athens.
- Becker, A.M., Masson, T., Helbig, C., Mohamdeen, A. & Schlink, U.(2022, July, 5th - 8th). Using wearable sensors for healthy routing choices [Talk]. IAPS International Association People Environment Studies 27th Conference: Global Challenges Local Impacts, Lisboa (online).
- Becker, A.M., Masson, T., Helbig, C., Mohamdeen, A. & Schlink, U.(2022, June, 16th - 17th). Promoting healthy routing choices: Effects of using wearable sensors [Talk]. APA Division 34's Online Conference: Promoting a Healthy & Sustainable Future. Online.
- Becker, A.M., Masson, T., Helbig, C., Mohamdeen, A. & Schlink, U.(2021, October, 5th - 8th). /Environmental Tracking for Healthy Travel Behaviour/ [Poster]. ICEP 2021 International Conference on Environmental Psychology, Siracusa.
- Becker, A.M., T. Masson, T & Fritsche, I. (2021, September, 13th). Dissonance within the social self: Exploring the effects of norm conflict between ingroups [Presentation ]. ESCON Transfer of Knowledge, Salzburg.
- Becker, A.M., T. Masson, T & Fritsche, I. (2021, September, 8th). Norm Conflic between Ingroups - Dissonance and other Consequences [Presentation]. SoDoc Workshop, Leipzig.
- Becker, A.M., T. Masson, T & Fritsche, I. (2021, May, 17th). Dissonance within the Social Self: Effects of conflicting Ingroup Norms [Presentation in Theoretical Session]. Dissonance Spring - Online Meeting supported by the EASP and by the ADRIPS “Cognitive Dissonance and Inconsistency Regulation: From General Overviews to Predictions of Regulation Strategies.”
- 2021: Prize of the social psychology section of the German Psychological Society (DGPs) for an outstanding Thesis in social psychology for the master thesis "Social identity and norm conflict between ingroups"