Find answers to frequently asked questions about our therapy services.
Cognitive behavioral therapy is a therapy method that focuses on the behavior and thoughts ("cognitions") of children and adolescents. In the beginning of the therapy, factors that trigger and maintain problematic behavior are identified together. These factors are then worked on with the help of various age-appropriate techniques.
Learning processes play an important role in cognitive behavioral therapy, which is why new ways of thinking and reacting are practiced frequently during therapy sessions. This may also be done, for example, through assignments between sessions.
The long-term goal of therapy involves children and adolescents learning strategies to "help themselves" in difficult situations.
Our psychotherapeutic services are primarily aimed at children and adolescents with:
- Anxiety (e.g. separation anxiety, social anxiety, school and performance anxiety, panic disorder and generalized anxiety disorder)
- Depression
- Hyperactivity and attention deficits (ADD and ADHD)
- School problems
- Eating disorders (bulimia, anorexia)
- Enuresis and Encopresis
- Regulation disorders in infancy and toddlerhood (excessive crying, sleep and feeding disorders)
- Compulsions
- Tic disorders
- Oppositional behavior
- Adaptive disorders in response to difficult life events
- Traumatic events
- Emotional stress due to separation of parents
- Sleeping problems
Patients with acute suicide risk or addiction disorders cannot be treated in our outpatient clinic.
The amount of time spent in therapy depends on the child's or adolescent's mental disorders and problems and how severe they are. In the beginning of each therapy, a consultation takes place, in which we get an overview about the current problem situation, assess the need for therapy and explain the treatment options.
Afterwards, further consultation hours and probationary (preparatory) sessions with your child and you are used for further diagnostic clarification and information gathering. Psychotherapeutic sessions, observations, play, diagnostic interviews and the completion of questionnaires help us to plan the next steps. Thereupon, either acute therapy (max. 12 appointments) or short-term therapy (max. 24 appointments) can be requested. A maximum of 60 appointments can be covered by health insurance (long-term therapy).
The appointments last 50 minutes each and usually take place once a week.
Depending on the age of the children and adolescents and the type of problems, it is often necessary for you as parents to attend some sessions. Your child will either be present at these sessions or parent-only conversations will take place. The involvement of teachers and educators is also an important part of psychotherapy for children and adolescents. For changes it is often important that many people involved cooperate.
For adolescents over the age of 15, therapy can also take place without the involvement of parents.
In case of emergency, please contact the responsible child and adolescent psychiatric clinic or call the emergency medical service.
Emergency call: 112
Clinics for child and adolescent psychiatry in Leipzig:
Clinic and Polyclinic for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics of Childhood and Adolescence, Leipzig University Hospital, Liebigstraße 20a, House 6, 04103 Leipzig, Phone: +49 341 97-24010 / +49 341 97-24105.
Clinic for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy
Park Krankenhaus Leipzig-Südost GmbH
Strümpellstr. 41, 04289 Leipzig, Phone: +49 341 864 1301
Leipzig Child and Adolescent Emergency Service: +49 341 4112130