Here You can find our ongoing internal and external doctorates as well as completed promotions.
Ongoing Doctorates
- Richard Janzen
Dynamic Computational Modeling of Worker Health - Melina Posch
Effects of Work-Related Behavior on the Development of Civilization Diseases: Evidence from Longitudinal and Intervention Studies - Sarah Rietze
Well-being in Agile Contexts (External) - Karoline Schubert
Idle Time at Work (External) - Tobias Struck
Leadership and Health
If You are interested in more details, feel free to contact the respective PhD students!
Completed Doctorates
- Dr. Clarissa Bohlmann
Proactivity & Age (External) - Dr. Carolin Dietz
Antecedents and Consequences of Employee Presenteeism: Evidence from Longitudinal and Experimental Studies - Dr. Lena-Alyeska Hübner
Employee Surveys as a Tool for Successful Organizational Change (External) - Dr. Clara Kühner (née Eichberger)
Technology-Assisted Supplemental Work and Employee Well-Being (External) - Dr. Moritz Petermann
Workforce Agility (External) - Dr. Laura F. Röllmann
Proactive Behavior and Well-Being in Paid Work, Activism, and Work in the Family Context (External) - Dr. Martin Zeschke
Idle Time at Work