Do you wish to see original apparatus used in Wundt's laboratory back in the 19th century? Apparatus includes tachistoscopes for presenting visual stimuli with milliseconds accuracy, chronoscopes for millisecond-accurate measurement of manual or vocal responses, kymographs for tracing physiological changes over time, and many more.
Or do you wish to see reproductions of the rolls from Wundt's classes, signed by students who helped found modern psychology? They include Charles Spearman (1863 — 945), James McKeen Cattell (1860 — 1944), G. Stanley Hall (1844 — 1924), Albert Eduard Michotte (1881 — 1965), Hugo Münsterberg (1863 — 1916), and Edward B. Titchener (1867 — 1927).
You can see all these things and more in our Wilhelm Wundt Room.
Professional high-resolution photographs of many of the apparatus and Wundt’s digitized legacy (some 5,700 documents, including letters and manuscript versions) can be found here:
© 2024, Jörg D. Jescheniak, Erich Schröger, and Robert P. O’Shea