Here you can find topics for possible theses in our research group.
Possible Theses „Experimental Psychology“
All topics offered are on an experimental basis, embedded in existing research work. The work is carried out in the laboratory. With regards to the embedding in current research projects, the focus and exact topic of the thesis can still be determined in the beginning of the process. Get informed about current projects well before you want to start working on your thesis. The start of the experiments is not linked to the semester.
Possible topics are:
Alpha and stimulus suppression
Among others, the human brain spontaneously generates rhythms with frequencies in the so-called alpha range (8-13Hz). These oscillations have been associated with active suppression of sensory information processing for some time now. Precisely this property of alpha oscillations is being investigated in the project. -
Temporal aspects of the shift in feature-based attention
In addition to spatial and object-based attention, the human brain is particularly good at highlighting features such as colour, orientation or motion. The shift of attention from one feature to another or within a feature dimension is particularly interesting, as it allows direct conclusions to be drawn about the resource capacity of attention over time. The shifting of attention using real-time measurement is thus possible, both at the behavioural level as well as with EEG. -
Attention-emotion interaction
This topic deals, amongst others, with the question of how a complex image with emotional content or a facial expression influences the processing of competing stimuli. The neuronal mechanisms underlying this emotion-attention interaction and the effect of distraction by emotional images on the behavioural level have not yet been clarified. Thus, we want to investigate this interaction with our studies.