Welcome to the information page on teaching and studying at the Department of Social Psychology. Students and prospective students will find all information about current courses as well as some important information for writing scientific theses.
It is possible to inspect your exams during the opening hours of the office. For this, please make an appointment with Mrs. Braun (see contact box).
Teaching & Studying at the Department of Social Psychology
All lectures and seminars of the Department of Social Psychology will be held exclusively in German. For more details about the courses offered by our department, please refer to the German website.
Important Information on the submission of the thesis
Please hand in your thesis at the examination office and not directly to your supervisor. Please include a CD-Rom together with two printed copies of the thesis, containing the paper in electronic form as well as the data set in SPSS format and other materials used (e.g. questionnaires, SPSS syntax, program code for experiments). After submission, please also send these files via e-mail to Dr. Annedore Hoppe as an electronic data backup. Paper questionnaires should be submitted to Dr. Torsten Masson after the survey.