Here You can find the most important information about the bachelor's programme in psychology with regard to work and organizational psychology
Within the bachelor's programme there are two mandatory courses regarding work and organizational psychology. During the 4. semester we have a course about the fundamentals of work psychology, while during the 5. semester we build upon that and teach the fundamentals of organizational psychology. Furthermore we offer a mandatory elective course during the 6. semester.
4. Semester – Course Number: 11-PSY-11032
Components of the compulsory course
- Lecture „Introduction into work psychology“ (2 SWS)
- Seminar with exersices „Research questions in work psychology“ (1 SWS).
The fundamentals course introduces basic theories within work psychology and gives an overview of central empirical findings. Special focus is put on the topics of action regulation, choice of profession, career development, compatibility of career and family, flexibilisation of work, stress and occupational health, work safety, unemployment, work analysis and design.
Within the seminar we discuss certain topics indepth and teach competencies regarding the analysis, evaluation, and design of work activities and work systems.
Please refer to the course descriptions for further information
5. Semester – Course Number: 11-PSY-11035
Components of the compulsory course
- Lecture „Introduction into organizational psychology“ (2 SWS)
- Seminar with exersices „Research questions in organizational psychology“ (1SWS)
The fundamentals course introduces basic theories within organizational psychology and gives an overview of central empirical findings. Special focus is put on the topics of personnel selection and development, work engagement, performance, leadership as well as team and organizational development.
Within the seminar we discuss certain topics indepth and teach competencies regarding personnel and organizational development.
Please refer to the course descriptions for further information
6. Semester – Course Number: 11-PSY-12002
Components of the compulsory elective course
- Seminar with exersices „Main topics within work and organizational psychology“ (3 SWS).
Within this course we build indepth knowledge and competencies in one of three main topics in the field of work and organizational psychology:
1. Work and Health (e.g. hazard assessment, prevention of strainrelated illness, stressmanagement),
2. Personnel and Career (e.g. personnelmanagement, career counseling), or
3. Team and organizational development (e.g. surveys, leadership trainings)
Please refer to the course descriptions for further information.
Components of the compulsory course
- Colloquium „Preparation and discussion of the bachelor's thesis" (2 SWS).
The colloquium takes place during the development of Your bachelor's thesis within the department that oversees it. The participants further deepen central concepts, theories and research paradigmas in a special subdiscipline of psychology. They discuss recent research findings and trends and apply empirical research methods in this discipline. Furthermore, participants have the opportunity of sharing their thesis and reflecting upon it.
Please refer to the course descriptions for further information
All materials relevant to our courses can be found on the learningplatform Moodle.
When there, choose Fakultät für Lebenswissenschaften, then Institut für Psychologie and afterwards choose your semester.
Bachelor's theses
- The role of work design and work behavior in the devekopment of civilizational diseases, e.g. obesity (Prof. Dr. Hannes Zacher)
- Digitalisation of the workplace (Prof. Dr. Hannes Zacher)
- Work, recovery and well-being (M.Sc. Richard Janzen)
Are You interested in a topic within work and organizational psychology which isn't listed here? We are open to Your ideas! Please feel free to make an appointment with someone from our team.