Head of the DFG-Project „Moderators of the Effects of Narcissism on Social Outcomes“ at the University of Leipzig (project employee: Livia Schneider)
Curriculum Vitae
seit 04/2020 | Professor of Personality Psychology and Psychological Assessment at Witten/Herdecke University |
10/2019 – 03/2020 | Substitute professor of Differential Psychology and Personality Psychology at the Medical School Berlin |
2019 | Habilitation as Dr. rer. nat. habil. |
2016 – 2019 | Temporary academic assistant at the University of Leipzig |
2013 – 2016 | Temporary academic councilor at the University of Leipzig |
2012-2013 | Research assistant at the Humboldt University Berlin |
2012 | Doctorate (Dr. rer. nat.) |
2010-2012 | Member of graduate school International Max Planck Research School „The Life Course: Evolutionary and Ontogentic Dynamics“ (LIFE) |
2009-2011 | Doctoral scholarship of the Elsa Neumann Foundation of the state of Berlin |
2010 | Research stay at the University of Southampton, Großbritannien |
2008 | Doctoral student at the Humboldt University of Berlin |
2008 | Diploma in psychology, University of Trier |