Here you can find a list of topics and current bachelor and master thesis developed in the AG Wirth / Weigelt.
Qualification thesis
We supervise a wide range of qualification theses at our AG, covering bachelor and master theses as well as the polyvalent bachelor and master for the teaching profession. In all areas it is important to us to provide good and as direct supervision as possible, which is why we like to link our topics to active research projects or to one of the research platforms we supervise. This thematic linkage to the work of scientists in the research group provides students with a profound insight into research and scientific work. Our portfolio of topics includes work in the field, greenhouse and laboratory as well as topics that deal primarily with data analysis on the computer.Currently, the following focal points are in the foreground with us:
- Diversity in the canopy of the Leipzig floodplain forest - research at the floodplain forest crane in the Burgaue in Leipzig.
- Functional diversity and its effect on the performance of 100 tree species in the research arboretum Großpössna.
- Function of floodplain vegetation - the influence of vegetation on nutrient retention during flooding at the Mulde River.
- Functional characteristics of roots and their importance for ecosystem functions
- Biodiversity in space - can we translate local patterns and mechanisms to larger spatial scales?
We are open to possible adaptations to specific student interests. If you are interested, please contact us directly so that we can present the current topics directly (Prof. Christian Wirth or Prof. Alexandra Weigelt).
Below you will find a list of completed theses that we supervised:
Bachelor Thesis
Year | Author and Topic |
2023 | Brit Böhmer - Effect of climbers on local climate of houses Carolin Hensel - Effect of root traits on drougth resistance and recovery in trees of the research arboretum ARBOfun |
2022 | Luise Winkler - The effect of species richness on chemical defense in selected species at the Jena Experiment Jan-Frederick Möller - Soil conditions and activity along a light availability gradient in the floodplain forest |
2021 | Merle Scheiner - Predicting the performance of multiple plant species in different soil types. Cristóbal Canturias Bottero - Reducing land-use intensity increases plant species richness in managed grasslands in Germany Julia Bernhardt - Does aboveground or belowground competition drive the response of the biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationship to nitrification? Anika Raabgrund - The impacts of the consecutive drought years 2018, 2019 and 2020 on growth of a broad range of European tree species with a special focus on tree functional traits |
2020 | Sarah Purrucker - Drought stress of selected tree species in the summers 2018/19 in the Lara Schmitt - Impact of the extreme drought years 2018/19 on δ¹³C of selected Emily Scheil - Estimating the pollen production in Carpinus betulus L. at the Leipzig Canopy Crane |
2019 | Imke Pelloth - The leaf economics spectrum: fully explaining leaf trait variation? Carla Klusmann - Does plant diversity ameliorate abiotic stress in the form of soil compaction? Tobias Meißner - Understanding branch surface to volume allometry using terrestrial laser scanning. Jana Schütze - Die Bedeutung verschiedener Wurzelordnungen für die Feinwurzelmerkmale verschiedener Baumarten im Versuchsarboretum Großpösna. |
Master Thesis
Year | Author and Topic |
2023 | Marie Englert - ARBOfun: tree growth resilience to recocurring droughts of 2018-2020 explained with root and leaf traits Melanie Hanfstängl - How does the natural regeneration respond to mortality and management-induced thinning in the Leipzig floodplain forest? Julia Olbrich - ARBOfun: Tree physiological stress responses to hotter drought (increase in leaf carbon isotope ratio; d13C) explained by root and leaf traits Sophia Waha - Canopy mortality as chance for rejuvenation of Quercus robur L. in Leipzig floodplain forest - the effect of light competition and microclimate |
2022 | Marlon Bassi - Do native plant declines lead to parallel declines in specialized insects? Marius Munschek - Conservation gardening put into practice: An R shiny app |
2020 | Susanne Eckhardt - The effects of drought tolerance and stomatal control type on tree Justus Hennecke - The effect of beta diversity on plant biomass production |
2019 | Karl Andraczek - Will "Insect Armageddon" affect ecosystem nutrient cycling? |