The Department


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in Learning & Memory

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Publication on octopamine in the mushroom body

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Publication on masking of circadian behaviour

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on neurophysiological mechanisms of bad food decisions

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New DFG Project for Dennis Pauls und Peter Kovacs

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Publication on presynaptic long-term potentiation

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The Journal of Neuroscience, in press

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Publication on optogenetic memory formation

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in Nature Communications

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Publication on homeostatic plasticity

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Natalie-Danielle Feige and Mareike Selcho receive the Leipzig University Pre-Doc Award

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Pre-Doc Award

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Mixture of a question mark and a finger print

Projects and opportunities

We offer various theses projects. Please contact Dr. Divya Sachidanandan for B.Sc. and M.Sc. projects and Nicole Naumann for opportunities as a student research assistant.

Contact and Directions

Prof. Dr. Robert J. Kittel


Tier- und Verhaltensphysiologie
Talstraße 33, Room 271
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 36841