We study children's and adolescents' attitudes towards other animals, how these change between the ages of 4-17, what factors influence these attitudes, and how they may vary across different cultural context.

enlarge the image:
Answers of urban German children to the question, which animals they know, Bild: Katja Liebal

We work in a team consisting of developmental and cultural comparative psychologists, anthropologists and biologists and are part of the interdisciplinary LeipzigLabs.

More information: Kinder und Natur.


  • No Safe Distance? Reflections on decolonising large-scale, remote collaborative research during and beyond COVID-19
    Thajib F, Stodulka T, Haun H, Meng T, Sun W, Masaquiza S. . . . Liebal K
    Ethos. (accepted).
  • A roadmap for technological innovation in multimodal communication research
    Gregori A, Amici F, Brilmayer I, Ćwiek A, Fritzsche L, Fuchs S, Henlein A, Herbort O, Kügler F, Lemanski J, Liebal K, Lücking A, Mehler A, Nguyen KT, Pouw W, Prieto P, Rohrer PL, Sánchez-Ramón PG, Schulte-Rüther M, Schumacher PB, Schweinberger SR, Struckmeier V, Trettenbrein PC, von Eiff CI
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    International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Springer Nature, Schweiz. 2023 Jul,402-438. LNCS 14029. Springer.

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