Human Biology and Primate Cognition
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Welcome to the Human Biology and Primate Cognition website at the Faculty of Life Sciences at Leipzig University.
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For her planned dissertation project Development of social intelligence in three ungulate species: cattle (Bos taurus), pigs (Sus domesticus), and sheep (Ovis aries), Stefanie Möller and her postdoctoral tandem partner Dr Federica Amici received a Predoc Award from the University of Leipzig.
Universität Leipzig, Das Leipziger Universitätsmagazin, "Schimpansen-Auffangstation und artenreiche Vogel-, Insekten- und Pflanzenwelt: Neuartige Kooperationen mit Chimfunshi (Sambia) möglich", 07.05.2024 [in German]
From 16 to 22 March 2024, staff and students from Leipzig University and the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology (MPI EVA) went on an excursion to Chimfunshi, Zambia. The aim of the trip, which was funded by the State Ministry of Science, Culture and Tourism, was to initiate a collaboration between the Department of Comparative Cultural Psychology at the MPI EVA and various groups at Leipzig University and to explore the potential of Chimfunshi as a research and teaching location for scientists and students. In the article, Prof Dr Katja Liebal reports on this excursion.
(Auf einen Kaffee mit ..., Folge 38, 15. Dezember 2023) [in German]
What defines a human being? – There are religious, moral, legal, and medical answers to this question, but there are also answers from behavioural biology. In this podcast episode [in German], primatologist Katja Liebal explains what behaviour she has not yet been able to observe in any other animal species despite years of research. She also talks about aspects in which apes living in zoos might differ from their counterparts in wild populations and her efforts to make research fairer. She also reveals what her favourite cuddly toy was when she was a child...
Radio report
Deutschlandradio, Deutschlandfunk, Zwischentöne "Katja Liebal: Das Wichtigste ist Respekt vor dem anderen Lebewesen", 16.07.2023
University of Leipzig, Das Leipziger Universitätsmagazin, "Working group "Children and Nature" in the LeipzigLab: Studentin Blanca Striegler erforscht, wie Schimpansen ihre Jungen erziehen", 04.07.2023
Blanca Striegler is studying behavioural biology and comparative cultural psychology. Recently, she spent five weeks in Chimfunshi, Zambia. There, she conducted a study for the LeipzigLab Group “Children and Nature” and collected data for her Master thesis looking into the relationship between chimpanzee mothers’ parenting styles and the social behaviour of their offspring.
Prof. Dr. Katja Liebal
Blanca Striegler
University of Leipzig, News Portal, "LeipzigLab Group “Children and Nature” at the Animal Advocacy Conference: Wie Kinder das Leben von Tieren wahrnehmen", 26.06.2023
The Animal Advocacy Conference was held at the University of Kent, Canterbury, 2023 June 22-24, and brought together scholars from various social and behavioral sciences and animal welfare activists. The Children and Nature Working Group participated with several presentations.
Prof. Dr. Katja Liebal
Article, Gesellschaft, "Las jirafas del zoo de Barcelona 'saben' estadística", 04.05.2023
The Times, Science, "Giraffes use statistics to get the tastiest food", 04.05.2023
INDEPENDENT, News, Science, "Giraffes can make predictions based on statistics, scientists suggest", 04.05.2023
Radio report
Deutschlandfunk Kultur, Zeitfragen, "Innovation unter Huftieren: Außenseiter als Problemlöser", 27.04.2023
The New York Times, Science, "Outsiders Solve Problems. Just Ask Goats.", 04.04.2023
University of Leipzig, Das Leipziger Universitätsmagazin, "Von Tieren und Menschen im Leipzig Lab "Kinder und Natur": Mit Katja Liebal unterwegs im Pongoland", 02.12.2020
"What are the earplugs for?", "Why is everything in English here?", "And where are the apes?", Richard, Anton (both 11) and Edgar (9) ask excitedly as they enter the Wolfgang Köhler Primate Research Center, called "Pongoland", at Leipzig Zoo. Prof. Dr Katja Liebal guides them through the research centre of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, where also scientists of Leipzig University study ape behaviour, perception and communication.
Prof. Dr. Katja Liebal
We are involved in teaching in the biology Bachelor's and Master's programmes at Leipzig University. In our department seminars, we discuss current research results, especially in comparative biology and psychology.
- Understanding of object properties in farm animals
- Quantity discrimination in farm animals
- Risk taking in farm animals
- The function of peering in captive orang-utans and chimpanzees
- The use of formal bites in orangutans and chimpanzees
- Children’s perceptions about plants
- Concepts of “being human” across different cultural contexts
- Prosocial behaviour of children towards “fantasy animals”
- Measuring concepts of biodiversity in children’s drawings of forests
- Interaction patterns, development and communication in the context of feeding in non-human primates in zoos
- Evaluating cognitive and behavioural enrichment for non-human primates in zoos
- By plane Leipzig-Halle Airport is about 30 minutes by car from the city center. A shuttle bus runs every half hour between the airport and Leipzig's main train station. If there is no direct flight to Leipzig from your city, we recommend flying to Berlin (about a 2-hour train ride to Leipzig), Frankfurt am Main or Hanover (each about a three-and-a-half-hour train ride to Leipzig). Trains run regularly from all three cities to Leipzig.
- By train Interregio and Intercity trains connect Leipzig with almost all European cities.
- By car Leipzig can be reached via the A9 (Berlin - Nuremberg), A 14 (Halle - Dresden) or A 38 (Göttingen - Leipzig) freeways.
By S-Bahn you can reach us with all lines - stop Hauptbahnhof or Bayrischer Bahnhof
S1 - direction Wurzen
S2 - direction Markkleeberg
S3 - direction Stötteritz
S4 - direction Geithain
S5 - direction Zwickau
By Straßenbahn Once you arrive in Leipzig, you can either take streetcar line 15 in the direction of Meusdorf, streetcar line 7 in the direction of Sommerfeld - stop Johannisplatz