On this page we inform you about modules offered by the Plant Physiology Group for Bachelor and Master students of Biology/Biochemistry and for teacher students.
In addition to regular moduls we regularly offer projects for Bachelor and Master theses. Topics of final theses are based on our current research projects. Please contact Prof. Dr. Severin Sasso.
- Staatsexamen Lehramt an Gymnasien, 8. Semester - Modul 11-BIO-0856 - Pflanzenphysiologie
Vorlesung, Praktikum - Staatsexamen Lehramt an Oberschulen, 8. Semester - Modul 11-BIO-0856 - Pflanzenphysiologie
Vorlesung, Praktikum - Staatsexamen Lehramt Sonderpädagogik, 8. Semester - Modul 11-BIO-0856 - Pflanzenphysiologie
Vorlesung, Praktikum
- 1. Semester - Modul 11-BIO-203 - Molekulare Ökophysiologie und Biotechnologie der Pflanzen
Vorlesung, Seminar, Praktikum - 2. Semester - Modul 11-BIO-205 - Interactions in Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems
Vorlesung, Seminar, Praktikum - 3. Semester - Modul 11-BIO-219 – Theoretikum
Vorlesung „Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten“ - 3. Semester - Modul 11-BIO-220 – Laborpraktikum
Seminar und Praktikum
- 1. Semester - Modul 11-BIO-203 - Molecular Ecophysiology and Biotechnology of Plants
Lecture, Seminar, Practical course - 2. Semester - Modul 11-BIO-205 - Interactions in Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems
Lecture, Seminar, Practical course - 3. Semester - Modul 11-BIO-219 – Theoretikum
Lecture/Colloquium „Scientific working“; Seminar/Tutorial "Theoretikum" - 3. Semester - Modul 11-BIO-220 – Laborpraktikum
Seminar and Practical course