The AG Wirth / Weigelt engage with society to develop solutions for biodiversity

enlarge the image: Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft Leipzig - IDiv 2018
Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft Leipzig - IDiv 2018. Picture by IDiv media department.

We engage with society and stakeholders to find solutions for mounting problems related to safeguarding biodiversity, data acquisition and data management as well as land- and forest management. To support these aims, we summarized our scientific findings in the floodplain forest to support decision making in the city council of Leipzig. [1]. We also organized a working group of experts from differing NGOs including local and regional governmental institutions (like the ministry of environment of Saxony) to publish a white paper for floodplain revitalization [2]. We invest in a multitude of projects aiming to provide biodiversity data to nature conservationists, state agencies and companies throughout the globe such as the plant trait database TRY [3] and the Leipzig catalogue of vascular plants (LCVP) [4]. We advise regional and national state agencies, like the federal agency of nature conservation, in biodiversity conservation on a regular basis. We support the scientific advisory board of the national park Hainich, Thuringia. Moreover, we lead the Botanical Garden of the University of Leipzig which has a new group dedicated completely to transfer [5].

enlarge the image: Flooding event in the Auwald
Flooding event in the Auwald. Photo by Carolin Seele.

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