Long-lasting odor-food memory requires caloric value - we examine where and how this signal is processed.

enlarge the image: Fly brains stained with DAPI, anti-CCHa2 and anti-nc82
Fly brains stained with DAPI, anti-CCHa2 and anti-nc82


We are studying feeding regulation in Drosophila, and the effect of internal states like hunger on locomotion and food intake. We are especially interested in how caloric information is sensed by the organism to influence behavior. How is this information relayed to higher brain circuits and integrated with internal states to influence memory formation? How does it affect sensory perception? How can the pleiotropic role of neuropeptides in signal mediation be disentangled?


We adress this with anatomical studies, feeding assays, locomotion assays, associative learning assays, and functional imaging.


Ultimately we will learn how internal state and external sensory perception interact to create long-lasting memories.



The Panopticon - assessing the effect of starvation on prolonged fly activity and place preference
Mahishi D*, Triphan T*, Hesse R, Huetteroth W.
Front Behav Neurosci. 2021 Mar 25;15:46.
DOI: 10.3389/fnbeh.2021.64014


The prandial process in flies
Mahishi D, Huetteroth W.
Curr Opin Insect Sci. 2019 Dec;36:157-166.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cois.2019.09.004


Sweet taste and nutrient value subdivide rewarding dopaminergic neurons in Drosophila
Huetteroth W, Perisse E, Lin S, Klappenbach M, Burke C, Waddell S.
Curr Biol. 2015 Mar 16;25(6):751-758.
DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2015.01.036



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