Head of Department

Prof. Dr. Marc Schönwiesner

Prof. Dr. Marc Schönwiesner


Talstraße 33, Room 330
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 36723


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Maren Keller

Talstraße 33
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 36746

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Dr. Alexandra Ludwig

Talstraße 33, Room 362

04103 Leipzig

Telephone: +49 341 97-36729

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Dr. Chao Huang

Talstraße 33, Room 373
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97 - 36867

Postdocs & Students

  • Chao Huang (Leipzig)
  • Jakko Kauramäki (Montreal)
  • Serin Atiani (Montreal/Jordan)
  • Alessandro Braga
  • Harin Lee
  • Jakab Pilaszanovich
  • Hanna Ziesenies
  • Max Schulz
  • Paul Friedrich
  • Natalie Dörmann
  • Marius Seiter
  • Carsten Olthoff
  • Gina Keilholz
  • Sina Vollrath (MSc, private sector)
  • Henriette Rusch (MSc, PhD student PFI Leipzig)
  • Peter Gericke (MSc, private sector)
  • Moran Aharoni (postdoc, currently postdoc in Israel)
  • Alexandre Lehmann (postdoc, currently professor at McGill)
  • Regis Trapeau (PhD, currently postdoc at U Marseille)
  • Kuwook Cha (PhD, currently postdoc at McGill)
  • Julian Keil (postdoc, Charité, Berlin)
  • Lysiane Bouchard (MSc, private sector)
  • Andreas Hinzen (former intern)
  • Laura Henn (former intern)
  • Arthur Farré (former intern)


Please contact Prof. Schönwiesner or any member of the Neuro if you are interested in participating in a study, gaining experience as a research assistant, or completing a BSc, MSc or PhD thesis in our group. Open and ongoing projects are listed below, but there are usually options to pursue own ideas in related areas.

Participating in a Study

We are often recruiting participants for different studies involving recording brain data with an MRI machine or EEG electrodes or psychoacoustic and hearing testing.

Research Assistants

If you are interested in gaining research experience and you can devote approximately six hours per week for a semester, feel free to come by my office or talk to me after one of my courses.

Masters Projects

  • Deficits in spectral and temporal auditory processing after unilateral cortical damage (clinical behavioral study, CBS-MPI) A clinical project in collaboration with Prof. Obrig at the day care clinic on patients with damage to one brain hemisphere. These patients can help us understand the differences in the function of the two hemispheres.
  • Influence of body position on vertical spatial hearing (MEG study, CBS-MPI) This is a collaboration with the magneto-encephalography group of the Max-Planck Institute for Cognitive and Brain Sciences and uses our 48-channel sound dome to generate spatial sound stimuli that participants listen to in an MEG scanner. The aim is to understand the encoding of vertical sound position in the human auditory cortex.
  • Responses to self-generated sounds and sound omissions (EEG study)
  • Processing of reverberation and voice features (EEG study)