Faculty of Life Sciences
The research of our faculty is very diverse. Current research questions are clustered in three large, faculty research areas, whose orientation and goals are outlined in the Institutional Strategy. You can also discover our networking with the university research profile areas.
The three institutes of our faculty, Biochemistry, Biology and Psychology, offer study programmes leading to Bachelor's, Master's and State Examination degrees. Around 30 professors supervise about 1700 enrolled students and 500 doctoral students in their academic careers.
Wir vereinen unter unserem Dach das Institut für Biochemie, das Institut für Biologie und das Institut für Psychologie. Über 30 Professorinnen und Professoren begleiten rund 1700 eingeschriebene Studierende zum Bachelor, Master oder dem Staatsexamen und 500 Promovenden auf ihrem akademischen Weg.