Faculty Research Domains

A number of current research objectives are concentrated in three major research domains. One of these is intervowen into the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig. Our Faculty's overall goals are set out in the Future Concept (Zukunftskonzept).

Research Profile Areas

Leipzig University has identified Strategic Research Fields to best connect outstanding researchers from inside and outside the university. Top researchers from the Faculty of life Sciences are are involved in five Research Profile Areas.

Professorships and Research Groups

Look here for a quick overwiev on the scientific orientation of our institutes and access each reaserch group directly.

Core Units

For researchers of Leipzig University, the Faculty of Medicine and external research institutes and companies we give access to two fully equiped core units.

Core Units

Our BioImaging Core Faciliy provides access to cutting edge light and atomic force microscopy. The Institute of Biochemistry runs a Core Facility for Mass Spectrometry for your research on biomolecules.

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Doctorate and habilitation

The Faculty of Life Sciences offers you an ideal environment for a successful docorate and habilitation.