Herzlich Willkommen bei der Arbeitsgruppe BioCog – Kognitive und Biologische Psychologie! Lernen Sie unsere Mitarbeiter:innen kennen.
Studentische und wissenschaftliche Hilfskräfte
- Bader, Maria, MSc
- Covic, Amra, MSc
- Janska, Anna, Mag.
- Kirmse, Ursula, Dipl.-Psych.
- Max, Caroline, Dipl.-Psych.
- Spielmann, Mona
- Aharoni, Moran, M.A., The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
- Bäß, Pamela, Dr., Dipl.-Psych., University of Helsinki
- Berti, Stefan, Prof. Dr., Dipl.-Psych., Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
- Chládková, Katerina, PhD
- Coy, Nina, Dr., MSc, Chemnitz University of Technology
- Geißler, Hans-Georg, Prof. em. Dr.
- Grimm, Sabine, Dr., Dipl.-Psych., Physik: Struktur und Funktion kognitiver Systeme, Technische Universität Chemnitz
- Höfel, Lea, Dr., Dipl.-Psych.
- Horváth, János, Dr., Dipl.-Phys., Dipl.-Psych. (EU Marie Curie Fellowship), Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
- Jacobsen, Thomas, Prof. Dr., Dipl.-Psych., Helmut Schmidt University, Hamburg
- Just, Viola, Dipl.-Psych.
- Kaernbach, Christian, Prof. Dr., Dipl.-Phys., Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel
- Kimura, Motohiro, Dr., National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan
- Kirmse, Ursula, Dipl.-Psych., University of Konstanz
- Kokinous, Jenny, Dr., Dipl.-Psych.
- Kopp, Franziska, Dr., Dipl.-Psych., Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin
- Korka, Betina, Dr., MSc, Leibniz-Institut für Neurobiologie, Magdeburg
- Marzecová, Anna, Dr., MA, Department of Experimental Psychology, Ghent University
- Müller, Mira, Dr., Dipl.-Psych.,University of Halle
- Muller-Gass, Alexandra, Dr. , Dipl.-Psych. (Humboldt Fellowship)
- O'Shea, Robert, Prof., BSc (Hons), PhD, Southern Cross University, Coffs Harbour, Australia
- Pieszek, Marika, Dr., Dipl.-Psych.
- Richter, Nicole, Dr., Dipl.-Biol., Institute of Biology, University of Leipzig
- Rimmele, Johanna, Dr., Dipl.-Psych., University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
- Ringer, Hanna, Dr., MSc, The University of Tokyo
- Röttger, Stefan, Dr., Dipl.-Psych., German Naval Medical Institute, Kiel
- Roye, Anja, Dr., Dipl.-Psych., Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest
- Rozario, Kevin
- Ruhnau, Philipp, Dr., Dipl.-Psych., University of Trento
- San Miguel, Iria, PhD, University of Barcelona
- Saupe, Katja, Dr., Dipl.-Biol.
- Scharf, Florian, Dr., Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
- Scharinger, Mathias, Dr., Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt
- Steinberg, Johanna, Dr., MA, MSc, AGAPLESION Diakonieklinikum Rotenburg (Wümme)
- Stuckenberg, Maria, Dr., Msc
- Tavano, Alessandro, PhD, Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics, Frankfurt
- Tervaniemi, Mari, Prof. Dr. (EU Marie Curie Fellowship), University of Helsinki
- Timm, Jana, Dr., Dipl.-Psych., BSA/DHfPG Saarbrücken
- Veser, Sandra, Dr., Dipl.-Psych., University of Tübingen
- Weise, Annekathrin, Dr., Dipl.-Biol., Paris-Lodron University Salzburg
- Wetzel, Nicole, Prof. Dr., Dipl.-Psych., Leibniz Institute for Neurobiology Magdeburg, Magdeburg-Stendal University of Applied Sciences
- Winkler, István, Prof. Dr., Dipl.-Psych., Dipl.-Ing. (Leibniz Professorship), Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest
- Wontorra, Maximilian, Dr., Dipl.-Psych.