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What's the need for an examination inability certificate ?

Only the Examination Board is entitled to assess your inability to take an examination. A physician is not authorized to decide about it. It is therefore your obligation to release your physician from her or his duty to secrecy about the relevant symptoms. However, it is neither needed nor desired to state the diagnosis.

Our examination inability form fully respects personal data protection rules and is supervised by the Saxon Commussioner for Data Protection. The legal compliance has been audited by the Legal Affairs Office of Leipzig University and confirmed by court rulings.

Similar forms are in common use at the Faculty of Law and the Faculty of Economics and Management Science at Leipzig University as well as in other academic institutions of the Federal Republic of Germany.

The examination inability form as well as all the (illness related) information contained therein are accessible exclusively to the employees of the Office for Study Affairs and the Chair of the Examination Board. Your personal information are strictly confidential and are under no circumstance made known to third parties or institutions.

When do I need a certicficate from the Medical Health Officer and how do I get it?

For all study courses in Biology, Biochemistry and Psychology the Examination Board accepts the submission of an examination inability form. In isolated cases the Examination Board may notify you that you are under obligation to produce a certificate issued by the Medical Health Officer.

The certificate is issued by the Gesundheitsamt der Stadt Leipzig. On the day of your examination call the Gesundheitsamt to make an appointment for a medical check-up between 8 am and 3 pm. Should you be sick to such a degree that you can not leave the house, ask the Gesundheitsamt for further instructions.

To issue the certificate, the Medical Health Officer will require the following documents:

  • Sick certificate or similar from your family physician (GP / Hausarzt) or medical specialist including the diagnosis
  • ID-Card stating your address in Leipzig or residence certificate

The Public Health Office charges 60,00 €, please have the exact amount ready in cash or, even better, pay by debit card.

What is the Examination Board?

The Examination Board is the body that monitors compliance with the Examination Regulations. This is why all deviations from the Examinations Regulations must with no exception be authorized by the Examination Board.

Teachers and one student representative constitute this body. All its members are under obligation to observe confidentiality.

You need to submit an application to the Examination Board and state your reasons, if you ask to deviate from the Examination Regulations. You may use our sample application form Antrag an den Prüfungsausschuss.

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