Curriculum Vitae
Psychotherapist in a group practice (Berlin)
Research work for the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
Scientific employee in the research project "Psych. Stress at the Workplace" (Program "Humanization of Working Life" [HdA] of the BMFT)
Research associate at the Institute of Psychology of the FU Berlin
Doctorate at the University of Osnabrück (Dr. rer. nat.)
Research assistant at the University of Bern, Chair of Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Substitute Professor for Industrial and Organizational Psychology at the LMU Munich
Assistant Professor at the Free University of Berlin (Industrial and Organizational Psychology)
Study visit to Paris at the invitation of the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)
Study trip, USA University of California, Berkeley; Florida State University, Tallahassee
Habilitation at the University of Osnabrück
Since 1995: Professor at the University of Leipzig, development of the Department of Industrial and Organizational Psychology
WS 99/2000: Research stay in the USA, Virginia, to conduct studies in three companies on the topic of "stress at work"
2000: Call to the University of Bielefeld (C4), rejected
SS 2002: Stay in Vietnam in the context of the research project "Irritation - an international scale to measure strain at work".
Teaching activities (undergraduate and postgraduate) at the Teacher Training and Educational Academy, Riga, Latvia, University of Glasgow, School of Psychology, University of Granada
2009-2010: Alva Myrdal Visiting Professorship at Mälardalen University, Sweden
2014: Early retirement, freelance work
Research Topics
- Stress, health promotion, risk assessment
- Optimization of work requirements: psychological work design
- Leadership (... and health/ ... and diversity) (RE-SU-LEAD)
- Restructuring / change management: psychological effects of job insecurity, unemployment, temporary contracts
- Negotiation, moderation (of conflicts), coaching
Selected Publications
Bamberg, E. & Mohr, G. (2016). Psychologisches Wissen für die Praxis: Gefährdungsbeurteilung im Arbeits- und Gesundheitsschutz. Psychologische Rundschau. 67(2), 130-134.
Otto, K., Mohr, G., Kottwitz, M. U., & Korek, S. (2016). The joint impact of microeconomic parameters and job insecurity perceptions on commitment towards one’s job, occupation and career: A multilevel approach. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 37(1), 43-71.
Rigotti, T., Mohr, G., & Isaksson, K. (2015). Job Insecurity among Temporary Workers: Looking Through the Gender Lens. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 36(3), 523-547.
Scheel, T., Rigotti, T. , & Mohr, G. (2014). Training and performance of a diverse workforce. Human Resource Management. 53, 749-772.
Mohr, G. & Wolfram, H.-J. (2010). Stress among managers: The importance of dynamic tasks, predictability, and social support in unpredictable times. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 15(2), 167-179.
Rigotti, T., Otto, K. & Mohr, G. (2007). East-West differences in employment relations, organisational justice and trust: possible reasons and consequences. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 28(2), 212-238.
Mohr, G. & Wolfram, H.-J. (2007). Leadership and effectiveness in the context of gender: The role of leader's verbal behaviour. British Journal of Management. 19(1) , 4-16.
Mohr, G., Müller, A., Rigotti, T., Aycan, Z. & Tschan, F. (2006). The assessment of psychological strain in work contexts. Concerning the structural equivalency of nine language adaptions of the Irritation scale. European Journal of Psychological Assessment. 22(3), 198-206.
Mohr, G. & Semmer, N. (2002). Arbeit und Gesundheit: Kontroversen zu Person und Situation. [Work and health: Controversies about person and situation.] Psychologische Rundschau, 53(2), 77-84.
Mohr, G. (2000). The changing significance of different stressors after the announcement of bankruptcy: A longitudinal investigation with special emphasis on job insecurity. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 21(3), 337-359.<337::aid-job18>;2-g (Kurzfassung der monographischen Habilitation)
Frese, M., Mohr, G. (1987). Prolonged unemployment and depression in older workers: A longitudinal study of intervening variables. Social Science and Medicine, 25(2), 173-178. (Ergänzungsstudie zur Querschnittsstudie der Diplomarbeit)
Mühlpfordt, S., Paul, K. , Mohr, G. (2018): Interventionen für Erwerbslose. In: S. Greif, K.-C. Hamborg (Hrsg.), Enzyklopädie der Psychologie. Methoden der Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie (S. 559-620). Hogrefe.
Otto, K., Rigotti, T. & Mohr, G. (2013). The psychological effects of restructuring. In A.- S.- G. Antoniou & C. L. Cooper (Eds.), The psychology of the recession on the workplace (pp. 261-275). Elgar.
Otto, K. & Mohr, G. (2012). Demografische Entwicklung, Arbeit und Alter. In C. Busch, G. Mohr & E. Bamberg (Hrsg.), Arbeitspsychologie (S. 243-287). Hogrefe.
Mohr, G. & Otto, K. (2011). Health effects of unemployment and job insecurity. In: A.S. Antoniou & C. Cooper, (Eds.). New directions in organizational psychology and behavioral medicine (pp. 289-311). Gower Publishing.
Mohr, G. (1991). Fünf Subkonstrukte psychischen Befindensbeeinträchtigungen bei Industriearbeitern: Auswahl und Entwicklung. In: S. Greif, E. Bamberg & N. Semmer (Hrsg). Psychischer Streß am Arbeitsplatz (S. 91-119). Hogrefe. (Kurzfassung der monographischen Dissertation)