Your bachelor's thesis or master's thesis is the final phase of your studies. Which scientific topic you will work on depends on your interests, current research questions and the capacity of a working group to adequately supervise you.
How do I get a topic for a thesis?
The number of applicants and prospective graduates is very high. In order to be able to supervise degree candidates well, a research group or professorship may only assign a limited number of topics.
For a topic for a thesis at the Institute of Psychology, please contact the individual working groups. For more information on the assignment of topics, please refer to the section "Studienfachberatung" on the homepage of the Institute of Psychology.
At the Institute of Biology, topics are assigned directly within the individual working groups.
Please contact them on your own initiative.
At the Institute of Biochemistry, defined topics are laid out in the secretary's office at Mrs. Hartung. After having consulted the assigning professor, you can register for the topic.
How do I register my thesis?
As soon as you have found a supervisor for your thesis, please read the respective registration guide.
On the last page of the guide you will find the registration form for your thesis. Complete the form in full, obtain signatures from both reviewers, and submit it to the Office for Study Affairs no later than two weeks before the scheduled start of the processing period.
The Office for Study Affairs will verify the requirements and reviewer eligibility and submit your request to the Chair of the Examination Board for approval. Your thesis will then be registered in AlmaWeb, where you will also be able to see the deadline for submission. Deadlines are also published online on the page of the Office of Student Affairs.
Where and how do I submit my thesis?
The submission takes place during the office hours of the student helpdesk.
Please contact the helpdesk team in advance with an appointment proposal. In addition to the two printed and bound copies, please submit a copy of the cover sheet of your thesis. Do not forget to sign the Declaration of Independence included in the thesis.
How do I find out my reviewer grades?
The Office for Study Affairs will forward your thesis to the respective reviewers. They then have six weeks to prepare the reviews of your thesis and send them to the Office for Study Affairs. The grades will be uploaded into Alma-Web and you can easily view them there.
If you would like to have an additional look at your reviews, simply come by during the office hours of the Office of Student Affairs.
When do I have to repeat a thesis?
This is what you have to do if you have not submitted a thesis on time or have not successfully completed it. In this case, submit a thesis application to the examination board. Again, please follow the guidelines for the registration of theses. Obviously, you will also have to work on a new topic when repeating your thesis.