We publish the results of our research on a regular basis in peer-reviewed international journals.
- Ikeda, Y., Zalabák, D., Kubalová, I., Králová, M., Brenner, W.G., Aida, M. (2021) Interpreting Cytokinin Action as Anterograde Signaling and Beyond, Front. Plant Sci. 12, 641257
- Kroll, C.K., Brenner, W.G. (2020) Cytokinin Signaling Downstream of the His-Asp Phosphorelay Network: Cytokinin-Regulated Genes and Their Functions, Front. Plant Sci. 12, 604489
- Wipf, D., Krajinski, F., van Tuinen, D., Recorbet, G., Courty, P.-E. (2019) Trading on the arbuscular mycorrhiza market: from arbuscules to common mycorrhizal networks, New Phytol. 223, 1127
- Brenner, W.G., Mader, M., Müller, N.A., Hoenicka, H., Schroeder, H., Zorn, I., Fladung, M., Kersten, B. (2019) High Level of Conservation of Mitochondrial RNA Editing Sites Among Four Populus Species, G3 (Bethesda) 9, 709
- Zdyb, A., Salgado, M.G., Demchenko, K.N., Brenner, W.G., Płaszczyca, M., Stumpe, M., Herrfurth, C., Feussner, I., Pawlowski, K. (2018) Allene oxide synthase, allene oxide cyclase and jasmonic acid levels in Lotus japonicus nodules, PLoS One 13, e0190884
- Brenner, W.G., Leuendorf, J.E., Cortleven, A., Martin, L.B.B., Schaller, H., Schmülling, T. (2017) Analysis of CFB, a cytokinin-responsive gene of Arabidopsis thaliana encoding a novel F-box protein regulating sterol biosynthesis, J. Exp. Bot. 68, 2769
- Gaude, N., Bortfeld, S., Erban, A., Kopka, J., Krajinski, F. (2015) Symbiosis dependent accumulation of primary metabolites in arbuscule-containing cells, BMC Plant Biol. 15, 234
- Curto, M., Krajinski, F., Schlereth, A. Rubiales D. (2015) Transcriptional profiling of Medicago truncatula during Erysiphe pisi infection, Front Plant Sci. 8, 517
- Hubberten, H.-M.; Sieh, D.; Zöller, D.; Hoefgen, R.; Krajinski, F. (2015) Medicago truncatula Mtha1-2 mutants loose metabolic responses to mycorrhizal colonization, Plant Signal. Behav. 10, 6
- Brenner, W.G., Schmülling, T. (2015) Summarizing and exploring data of a decade of cytokinin-related transcriptomics, Front. Plant Sci. 6 (29)
- Curto, M., Krajinski, F., Küster, H., Rubiales, D. (2014) Plant defense responses in Medicago truncatula unveiled by microarray analysis. Plant Mol. Biol. Rep. in press, 10.1007/s11105-014-0770-9
- Hofferek, V., Mendrinna, A., Gaude, N., Krajinski, F. (corresponding author), Devers, E.A. (2014) MiR171h restricts root endosymbiosis and shows like its target NSP2 a complex transcriptional regulation in Medicago truncatula, BMC Plant Biol. 14 (1), 199
- Bucher, M., Hause, B., Krajinski, F. and Küster H. (2014) Through the doors of perception to function in arbuscular mycorrhizal symbioses. New Phytologist DOI: 10.1111/nph.12862
- Krajinski, F. (corresponding author), Courty, P.E., Sieh, D., Franken, P., Zhang, H., Bucher, M., Gerlach, N., Kryvoruchko, I., Zoeller, D., Udvardi, M. and Hause, B. (2014) The H+-ATPase HA1 of Medicago truncatula is essential for phosphate transport and plant growth during arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. Plant Cell 26, 1808-1817
- Villegaz-Fernandez, A.M., Krajinski, F., Schlereth, A., Madrid, E. and Rubiales, D. (2014) Characterization of transcription factors following expression profiling of the Medicago truncatula-Botrytis spp. interactions. Plant Mol. Biol. Rep. 32, 1030-1040
- Tisserant, E., Malbreil, M., Kuo, A., Kohler, A., Symeonidi, A., Balestrini, R., Charron, P., Duensing, N., Frey, N.F.D., Gianinazzi-Pearson, V., Gilbert, L.B., Handa, Y., Herr, J.R., Hijri, M., Koul, R., Kawaguchi, M., Krajinski, F., Lammers, P.J., Masclauxm, F.G., Murat, C., Morin, E., Ndikumana, S., Pagni, M., Petitpierre, D., Requena, N., Rosikiewicz, P., Riley, R., Saito, K., Clemente, H.S., Shapiro, H., Van Tuinen, D., Becard, G., Bonfante, P., Paszkowski, U., Shachar-Hill, Y.Y., Tuskan, G.A., Young, P.W., Sanders, I.R., Henrissat, B., Rensing, S.A., Grigoriev, I.V., Corradi, N., Roux, C. and Martin, F. (2013) Genome of an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus provides insight into the oldest plant symbiosis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A 110, 20117-20122.
- Sieh, D., Watanabe, M., Devers, E.A., Brueckner, F., Hoefgen, R. and Krajinski, F. (2013) The arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis influences sulfur starvation responses of Medicago truncatula. New Phytologist 197, 606-616.
- Ramireddy E, Brenner WG, Pfeifer A, Heyl A, Schmülling T. (2013) In planta analysis of a cis-regulatory cytokinin response motif in Arabidopsis and identification of a novel enhancer sequence, Plant Cell Physiol.
- Devers, E.A., Teply, J., Reinert, A., Gaude, N. and Krajinski, F. (2013) An endogenous artificial microRNA system for unraveling the function of root endosymbioses related genes in Medicago truncatula. BMC Plant Biol. 13.
- Brenner, W.G., Schmülling, T. (2012) Transcript profiling of cytokinin action in Arabidopsis roots and shoots discovers largely similar but also organ-specific responses. BMC Plant Biol. 12, 112.
- Gaude, N., Bortfeld, S., Duensing, N., Lohse, M. and Krajinski, F. (2012a) Arbuscule-containing and non-colonized cortical cells of mycorrhizal roots undergo extensive and specific reprogramming during arbuscular mycorrhizal development. Plant J. 69, 510-528.
- Gaude, N., Schulze, W.X., Franken, P. and Krajinski, F. (2012b) Cell type-specific protein and transcription profiles implicate periarbuscular membrane synthesis as an important carbon sink in the mycorrhizal symbiosis. Plant Signal. Behav. 7, 461-464.
- Brenner, W.G., Ramireddy, E., Heyl, A., Schmülling, T. (2012) Gene regulation by cytokinin in Arabidopsis. Front. Plant Sci. 3, 8.
- Devers, E.A., Branscheid, A., May, P. and Krajinski, F. (2011) Stars and symbiosis: microRNA- and microRNA*-mediated transcript cleavage involved in arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. Plant Physiol. 156, 1990-2010.
- Fondevilla, S., Küster, H., Krajinski, F., Cubero, J.I. and Rubiales, D. (2011) Identification of genes differentially expressed in a resistant reaction to Mycosphaerella pinodes in pea using microarray technology. BMC Genomics 12, 28.
- Branscheid, A., Devers, E.A., May, P. and Krajinski, F. (2011) Distribution pattern of small RNA and degradome reads provides information on miRNA gene structure and regulation. Plant Signal. Behav. 6, 1609-1611.
- Branscheid, A., Sieh, D., Pant, B.D., May, P., Devers, E.A., Elkrog, A., Schauser, L., Scheible, W.R. and Krajinski, F. (2010) Expression pattern suggests a role of MiR399 in the regulation of the cellular response to local Pi increase during arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. Mol. Plant Microbe Interact. 23, 915-926.
- Madrid, E., Gil, J., Rubiales, D., Krajinski, F., Schlereth, A. and Millan, T. (2010) Transcription factor profiling leading to the identification of putative transcription factors involved in the Medicago truncatula-Uromyces striatus interaction. Theor. Appl. Genet. 121, 1311-1321.
- Cortleven, A., Remans, T., Brenner, W.G., Valcke R. (2009) Selection of plastid- and nuclear-encoded reference genes to study the effect of altered endogenous cytokinin content on photosynthesis genes in Nicotiana tabacum. Photosynth. Res. 102, 21-19.
- Dita, M.A., Die, J.V., Roman, B., Krajinski, F., Küster, H., Moreno, M.T., Cubero, J.I. and Rubiales, D. (2009) Gene expression profiling of Medicago truncatula roots in response to the parasitic plant Orobanche crenata. Weed Res. 49, 66-80.
- Heyl, A., Ramireddy, E., Brenner, W.G., Riefler, M., Allemeersch, J., Schmülling, T. (2008) The transcriptional repressor ARR1-SRDX suppresses pleiotropic cytokinin activities in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol. 147, 1380-1395.
- Krajinski, F. and Frenzel, A. (2007) Towards the elucidation of AM-specific transcription in Medicago truncatula. Phytochemistry 68, 75-81.
- Colditz, F., Krajinski, F. and Niehaus, K. (2007a) Plant proteomics upon fungal attack. In Plant Proteomics (Samaj, J. and Thelen, J.J. eds), pp. 283-309.
- Colditz, F., Niehaus, K. and Krajinski, F. (2007b) Silencing of PR-10-like proteins in Medicago truncatula results in an antagonistic induction of other PR proteins and in an increased tolerance upon infection with the oomycete Aphanomyces euteiches. Planta 226, 57-71.
- Nyamsuren, O., Firnhaber, C., Hohnjec, N., Becker, A., Küster, H. and Krajinski, F. (2007) Suppression of the pathogen-inducible Medicago truncatula putative protease-inhibitor MtTi2 does not influence root infection by Aphanomyces euteiches but results in transcriptional changes from wildtype roots. Plant Sci. 173, 84-95.
- Küster, H., Becker, A., Firnhaber, C., Hohnjec, N., Manthey, K., Perlick, A.M., Bekel, T., Dondrup, M., Henckel, K., Goesmann, A., Meyer, F., Wipf, D., Requena, N., Hildebrandt, U., Hampp, R., Nehls, U., Krajinski, F., Franken, P. and Puhler, A. (2007) Development of bioinformatic tools to support EST-sequencing, in silico- and microarray-based transcriptome profiling in mycorrhizal symbioses. Phytochemistry 68, 19-32.
- Die, J.V., Dita, M.A., Krajinski, F., Gonzalez-Verdejo, C.I., Rubiales, D., Moreno, M.T. and Roman, B. (2007) Identification by suppression subtractive hybridization and expression analysis of Medicago truncatula putative defence genes in response to Orobanche crenata parasitization. Physiol. Mol. Plant P. 70, 49-59.
- Franken, P. and Krajinski, F. (2006) Transcriptomics for determining gene expression in symbiotic root-fungus interactions. In Molecular approaches to soil, rhizosphere and plant microorganisms analysis (Cooper, J.E. and Rao, J.R. eds), pp. 213-235.
- Ameline-Torregrosa, C., Dumas, B., Krajinski, F., Esquerre-Tugaye, M.T. and Jacquet, C. (2006) Transcriptomic approaches to unravel plant-pathogen interactions in legumes. Euphytica 147, 25-36.
- Frenzel, A., Tiller, N., Hause, B. and Krajinski, F. (2006) The conserved arbuscular mycorrhiza-specific transcription of the secretory lectin MtLec5 is mediated by a short upstream sequence containing specific protein binding sites. Planta 224, 792-800.
- Frenzel, A., Manthey, K., Perlick, A.M., Meyer, F., Pühler, A., Küster, H. and Krajinski, F. (2005) Combined transcriptome profiling reveals a novel family of arbuscular mycorrhizal-specific Medicago truncatula lectin genes. Mol. Plant Microbe Interact. 18, 771-782.
- Brenner WG, Romanov GA, Köllmer I, Bürkle L, Schmülling T. (2005) Immediate-early and delayed cytokinin response genes of Arabidopsis thaliana identified by genome-wide expression profiling reveal novel cytokinin-sensitive processes and suggest cytokinin action through transcriptional cascades. Plant J. 44, 314-333.
- Colditz, F., Braun, H.P., Jacquet, C., Niehaus, K. and Krajinski, F. (2005) Proteomic profiling unravels insights into the molecular background underlying increased Aphanomyces euteiches tolerance of Medicago truncatula. Plant Mol. Biol. 59, 387-406.
- Colditz, F., Nyamsuren, O., Niehaus, K., Eubel, H., Braun, H.P. and Krajinski, F. (2004) Proteomic approach: Identification of Medicago truncatula proteins induced in roots after infection with the pathogenic oomycete Aphanomyces euteiches. Plant Mol. Biol. 55, 109-120.
- Grunwald, U., Nyamsuren, O., Tarnasloukht, M., Lapopin, L., Becker, A., Mann, P., Gianinazzi-Pearson, V., Krajinski, F. and Franken, P. (2004) Identification of mycorrhiza-regulated genes with arbuscule development-related expression profile. Plant Mol. Biol. 55, 553-566.
- Küster, H., Hohnjec, N., Krajinski, F., El Yahyaoui, F., Manthey, K., Gouzy, J., Dondrup, M., Meyer, F., Kalinowski, J., Brechenmacher, L., van Tuinen, D., Gianinazzi-Pearson, V., Pühler, A., Gamas, P. and Becker, A. (2004) Construction and validation of cDNA-based Mt6k-RIT macro- and microarrays to explore root endosymbioses in the model legume Medicago truncatula. J. Biotechnol. 108, 95-113.
- Manthey, K., Krajinski, F., Hohnjec, N., Firnhaber, C., Pühler, A., Perlick, A.M. and Küster, H. (2004) Transcriptome profiling in root nodules and arbuscular mycorrhiza identifies a collection of novel genes induced during Medicago truncatula root endosymbioses. Mol. Plant Microbe Interact. 17, 1063-1077.
- Doll, J., Hause, B., Demchenko, K., Pawlowski, K. and Krajinski, F. (2003) A member of the germin-like protein family is a highly conserved mycorrhiza-specific induced gene. Plant Cell Physiol. 44, 1208-1214.
- Nyamsuren, O., Colditz, F., Rosendahl, S., Tamasloukht, M., Bekel, T., Meyer, F., Küster, H., Franken, P. and Krajinski, F. (2003) Transcriptional profiling of Medicago truncatula roots after infection with Aphanomyces euteiches (oomycota) identifies novel genes upregulated during this pathogenic interaction. Physiol. Mol. Plant P. 63, 17-26.
- Wulf, A., Manthey, K., Doll, J., Perlick, A.M., Linke, B., Bekel, T., Meyer, F., Franken, P., Küster, H. and Krajinski, F. (2003) Transcriptional changes in response to arbuscular mycorrhiza development in the model plant Medicago truncatula. Mol. Plant Microbe Interact. 16, 306-314.
- Gamas, P., Denarie, J., Brechenmacher, L., van Tuinen, D., Gianinazzi-Pearson, V., Crespi, M., Mergaert, P., Kondorosi, A., Krajinski, F., Franken, P., Pühler, A., Kalinowski, J., Becker, A. and Küster, H. (2002) Expression profiling in the European Union genome project MEDICAGO: construction of arrays representing the M. truncatula root interaction transcriptome. In 13th International Congress on Nitrogen fixation (Finan, T.M., O'Brian, M.R., Layzell, D.B., Vessey, J.K. and Newton, W. eds). Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, pp. 458.
- Krajinski, F., Hause, B., Gianinazzi-Pearson, V. and Franken, P. (2002) Mtha1, a plasma membrane H+-ATPase gene from Medicago truncatula, shows arbuscule-specific induced expression in mycorrhizal tissue. Plant Biol., 4, 754-761.
- Krajinski, F., Biela, A., Schubert, D., Gianinazzi-Pearson, V., Kaldenhoff, R. and Franken, P. (2000) Arbuscular mycorrhiza development regulates the mRNA abundance of Mtaqp1 encoding a mercury-insensitive aquaporin of Medicago truncatula. Planta, 211, 85-90.
- Franken, P., Requena, N., Bütehorn, B., Krajinski, F., Kuhn, G., Lapopin, L., Mann, P., Rhody, D. and Stommel, M. (2000) Molecular analysis of the arbuscular mycorrhiza symbiosis. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 45, 271-286.
- Krajinski, F., Martin-Laurent, F., Gianinazzi, S., Gianinazzi-Pearson, V. and Franken, P. (1998) Cloning and analysis of psam2, a gene from Pisum sativum L. regulated in symbiotic arbuscular mycorrhiza and pathogenic root-fungus interactions. Physiol. Mol. Plant P. 52, 297-307.