Institute of Biology

Our departments

Studying at our institute

Studierende im hochsommerlichen Leibnizforum

Information on the study of biology

Do you need information about studying biology? Do you have questions during your studies? Here you can get all the important information.

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zusätzliche Informationen

Doctorate and Habilitation

Doctor's hat on a park bench

Doctorate and Habilitation at the Institute of Biology

You would like to do your doctoral thesis at the Institute of Biology? You would like to do your habilitation at our institute? Here you will find important information.

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Our research at a glance

Mehrere Röhrchen mit Chlamydomonas reinhardtii wachsen in einem Bioreaktor. Foto:Antonia Schad
Model organisms and plant hormones that are the subject of research in the Department of General and Applied Botany. Photos: Franziska Krajinski-Barth and Wolfram Brenner
Foto: drei Studierende stehen in einem Schalllabor um eine Studienteilnehmerin herum die eine Kappe mit Kabeln trägt
Picture of the rainforest of Papua New Guinea
Eine Frau steht im Labor und kontrolliert mit einem Messgerät biometrische Daten von Pflanzen.
Zeichnung einer fressenden Fliege (Zeichnung: Merlin Szymanski)
A young chimpanzee at Leipzig Zoo and a child, who is a visitor in the ape house, look at each other through the glass pane
Phylogenetic Tree, by Melanie Grudinski
AG Wirth / Weigelt in 2019
Four pictures are connected with arrows to illustrate the interplay between behaviour, ecology, genetics and fitness. The pictures display three interacting Barbary macaques, an oil palm plantation, a sequencing workflow and a meerkat with pups.
Mitarbeiter des Instituts für Biologie am Mikroskop im Labor.

The research report of our university

Here you will find an insight into the research activities of the scientists of the Institute of Biology.

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 Sandra Paule

Sandra Paule


Talstraße 33, Room 412
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97-36720
Fax: +49 341 97-36789

Office hours
10:00 - 17:00 Uhr

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Anett Franke


Johannisallee 23
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97-38590

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Christina Schindler

Foreign Language Secretary

Johannisallee 23, Room 105
04103 Leipzig

Phone: +49 341 97-36870
Fax: +49 341 97-36899